Monday, January 23, 2017


You're Excellency, our master KH.Masbuhin Faqih, as the head master of Mambaus Sholihin Islamic boarding School.
Respectable all of the adjudicator,
Honorable manager and teacher,
And dear audience...
Assamua'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Good morning every body,
       For the very first time, let's thank to our god.Due to the blessing of Him, we can face to face in this sunny morning by good condition and happy situation,and because of His mercies, we can take a part in this great agenda namely English Speech agenda.
       Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our prophet Muhammad, as our guider that has been guiding us to the right course, because of him, we can differ between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the dark and the light, namely the course that allowed by Allah, it mean Islam religion.
        Thirdly, I'II never forget to say thank you very much to the committe board that has given me time and chanse to deliver my speech in front of this public and our speech here entitle THANKS TO THE GOD
Ladies and gentlemen,
         Allah is so big, Allah is so strong, and all of thinks in the whole universe are created by our God. Water, air, montain, trees and created by Allah and availanble in this world for us as the creators of Allah . But , sometimes we forget it. Sometimes we neglect to the God.We just remember with the God when we are in the difficulties and we just remember with the God when we have a problem. But, if we are in the happiness, we often forget to the God.
Dear audince,
         Of course, all of that indicate how weak our faitful to the God, how weak our belief in the God. Whereas, God has given a lot of favors to us. But, we don't release it. If we see in our body, starting from the head, until the toe, there are many blessings and favors from our God till impossible to be counted. As what Allah said in Holy Qur'an:

wa-in ta’udduu ni’mata allaahi laa tuhsuuhaa inna allaaha laghafuurun rahiimun
        And if you would count Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely Allah is forgiving, Merciful.(QS.An-Nahl: 18)
Dear audience,
         Do you think, that walking is a trivial thing? Whereas, we can't do everything well, without leg. Do you think that speaking with the tongue is yhe trivial thing? Whereas, you can't communicate well without tongue, we cannot taste the delicious food without tongue. So that, we must release it, we must release that we have the leg for walking, we have the tongue for speaking, and the most is important all of that are given by Allah.
Dear brother and sister
         Do you ever think, how wicked our selves when we can sleep well? And there are many people around us who can't sleep because od illness, who can't sleep because there are no place for sleeping. How weak our selves when we can eat the delicious food, we can drink the sold water, and there are many people us who can't eat because of illness, who can't eat because there is no money for buyinhg food. So that, we must release it, we must think the favors from our God, we have tongue for speaking, we have leg for walking, we have mouth for eating, all of things are avalilable in our life, we own the worrld. So that, we must thank to out God.
Dear audience,
         Here what I can deliver to you all, I apologize for all of my mistake if any, and the last I say..
Wasssallamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

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